Расторгуева История Английского Языка Doc

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Расторгуева История Английского Языка Doc
  1. Расторгуева История Английского Языка Doc

Lecture 1 Introduction The History of the English Language appeared as a serious science in the 19 th century. Every science has its object, subject and aims. The object of The History of the English Language is the English Language itself, its phonetic, grammatical and lexical aspects. The subject of The History of the English Language is:.

Расторгуева Т.А. - История английского языка [2003, PDF, ENG] » Лингвистика » Скачать торрент. Охватывает всю программу курса истории английского языка. Каждый раздел снабжен вопросами и упражнениями. Приложена хрестоматия текстов. Feb 11, 2016 - 9.Линский С.С. Сборник упражнений по истории английского языка. 10.Расторгуева Т.А. История английского языка: Учебник.

main changes in the phonetic structure and spelling of the language at different stages of the development of the language;. the evolution of the grammatical system;. the growth and development of the vocabulary. All these changes are considered against the background of the main historical events that took place in the country. The aim of The History of the English Language is to study the changes mentioned above. The History of the English Language has been reconstructed on the basis of written records of different periods. The earliest written texts in English are dated in the 7 th century.

The earliest records in other Germanic languages go back to the 3 rd or 4 th centuries A.D. Language is constantly changing, at different speed and at different linguistic levels (phonetics, grammar, lexicon). The linguistic history explains many features of present-day language (see § 3-5, p. 10-12 in “История английского языка” by Т.А. A language can be studied synchronically:. a certain period in the history of the development of a language is taken (fixed time boundaries) – horizontal study;. each level of a language is studied (phonetics, grammar, lexicon);.

different functional varieties of a language are studied (different dialects of this period). Or diachronically:. all periods in the history of the development of a language are taken – vertical study;. only one level of a language is studied (phonetics or grammar or lexicon);. only one functional variety of a language is studied (e.g.

Расторгуева История Английского Языка Doc

Standard English). These two types of studying a language are closely interconnected and create a full picture of the development of a language.